Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sigh....... another class...... another step

all over huh??
final over?? no more studying right??................... [sarcastically......... YA RIGHT!!!!]
looking back, to the first day of this class... I might have said that.
In all honesty, I was totally naive when I was thinking about how much I would actually learn from this class....... [I guess how little would be more accurate to what I was thinking]

I have learned more this year in this class from my teachers and fellow classmates than I ever could have predicted....... to that..... i tip my hat to everyone from 255-604 and thank you.

the truth is, that I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work and observe and participate with my entire class, seeing how we all have grown as Physical Educators and Physical Learners.... to the simple things like: how one to the other would have dealt with this situation or problem..... the truth is simply that.... the truth.... and I would not have traded that for anything. If anything that I have learned the most... it is that my studying and learning will never be done!!!! [in some interesting way...... I'm glad]

thank you Dr. Yang for the chance to work, learn and grow, and a special thanks to freddy for all those crazy/yet possible scenarios for us to deal with..... and most of all thanks for a great and fun year guys!!!! good luck with observations and hope to see everyone back next semester!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Last Blog......... Or Is It??

Last Blog huh??..... Well, didn't you know?? this was just part of some assignment for my class, 255-603, its not like anyone actually fines anything useful out of these tings..... do they??

They do. The truth is, that this has been a great help to me, whether I have any readers or not. So, if someone had this item that after teaching, helped them deal with mistakes, and allowed me a free place to reflect. The simple truth is that I have grown to enjoy these blogs. So, before I continue.... I have decided that for my readers and myself, I will be continuing this blog throughout the year to the best of my ability and hectic schedule.

Goal Ball..... for those who do not know, this is actually one of the most extreme games for the blind and visually impaired. I chose to teach the fundamental aspects of this game to my students this past week. the truth is that this is a very complicated game.... plus factor in.... children.... slightly less coordinated than you or me.... now in a new environment called.... blindness. What can you do?... I chose to first enforce a visual setting requiring reading.... and understanding.

My Lesson plan!!!!!
students would break into three even groups and go to their own designated section, after a determined time the groups would rotate.
The Students were required to....
-read the objectives at their section, if confused, look at the pictures.... if still confused ask each other.... if still confused .... ask me, THE TEACHER, for help.
-one section was actually game play, in a modified game of 2v2 with 2 other students assessing them. this is where I ran into my first problem: do not put children in an environment, with a new game and expect them to play. That's number one, number two is.... none of them have ever played this prior.
Some Solutions..... use some technology.... perhaps a short film of how the game is played that meets your time limit, have a student from the class go home prior to your lesson, give him/her a task to learn the game, confirm prior that he/she has learned it, and use him/her in an demonstration. !!!!!!This also allows you to use a student and make him/her a teaching helper!!!!!

Now here is my other attempt for major success, at each station I placed some visual impairment goggles. Simply put, they do not let you see. I told them prior to separation that they, after learning the skill, feel comfortable they can attempt to do the skill blindfolded/visually impaired.----this is known at teaching by invitation---- I am allowing the students to make their decision to increase the difficulty. This is a great tool to use, especially when your student vary in skill levels so you do not hold anyone back and vice verse.

My last attempt at greatness was a PEER ASSESSMENT.
Just another way to introduce key terms, and grading policies. One thing I have found throughout my own schooling, and my teaching, is that when students know they are being graded right there and then, they tend to work harder subconsciously.

I had to deal with a couple of incidents that were slightly on the extreme side, however students will try to test a teachers patience and do things just for attention. When I dealt with these things, I used a couple of tools I call Rules of Conduct
Where all I have them do, is tell them to please go and read the paper, which are strategically away from the lesson and report back to me afterwards to explain why I asked them to go and read it. If they found their problem, I simply asked them if it will happen again, if they repeat that it won't then they are free to return.
Thankfully I only had one problem that repeated. At this time I approached him and asked if everything was ok outside of this classroom..... after a small talk that will stay confidential I found that there was indeed a problem outside of school. This is another reason why we are teachers. We must see the unseen sometimes, never rush into certain areas, but always be mindful of what could be going on in, around, and away from school.

On an especially high note, one aspect that I as a teacher in training, am graded on was a time coding chart. Time code charts are used to help us manage our time throughout lessons and I am pleased to present to you this.

finally I am just presenting a small slide show of two of the three stations that I included with my lesson.